Publications with Topic


Resistance Views: Essays on Unconventional Warfare and Small State Resistance, Tartu Resistance Seminar
Authored by:
Glennis Napier, Mark Schwartz, Gregory Lengyel, Tomas Jermalavičius, Merle Pārmak, Karl Salim, Heather Modon, Linda Robinson, Michael Ryan, Kevin Stringer, Janis Berzins, Richard Shultz
Countering Violent Extremism in Mali
Authored by:
Mark Moyar
Countering the al-Shabaab Insurgency in Somalia: Lessons for U.S. Special Operations Forces
Authored by:
Graham Turbiville, Josh Meservey, James Forest
India's Northeast: The Frontier in Ferment
Authored by:
Prakash Singh
Operationalizing COIN
Authored by:
Joseph Celeski
The New Way of Limited Warfare: The Value of the Afghan Model of Warfare After the Fight Against ISIS
Authored by:
Captain Tijs Althuizen, MA, and Professor Martijn Kitzen, PhD