Publications with Topic

Organizational Culture

Special Operations Forces Transformation in the Future Operating Environment
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Charles Barham, Andrew Brown, Bernd Horn, Jay Lachine, Simone Ledeen, Michael Manning, Ruari Nicholson, Jason Yeremiy, Charlie Black
Special Operations Forces as Change Agents
Authored by:
Jessica Turnley
Special Operations Forces Mixed-Gender Elite Teams
Authored by:
William Knarr, Jessica Glicken Turnley, Donna Stewart, Rich Rubright, Jason Quirin
Implications for Network-Centric Warfare
Authored by:
Jessica Turnley
Moral Injury: Implications for U.S. SOF and Ethical Resiliency
Authored by:
Dr. John Edgar Caterson, Marc-Charles Ingerson, David Wood, Matthew Kazumi Ikenoyama